What brings me happiness project

July 23, 2019

For those looking for a more fact based approach on increasing happiness, the answer is simple: spend more time with friends.

If you are on a concious quest for happiness you will often come across advices on how to intentionally appretiate the things you have in life. The most common advice is to start writing a diary where you would count your blessings every day, reexperiencing the positive events of the day. Tried it. Didn’t work.

However during the past few years I noticed a reppeating pattern. On occasion I would do something random, usually a very small thing like doing some yoga lazily without a plan or having a glass of whiskey by myself while listening to music, that would make me really enjoy the moment, and make my day. But then tomorrow I would forget about it and it wouldn’t repeat for the next few months at least. I didn’t do those small things often, but whenever I did the I would think “Why don’t I do this more often?”.

Because I never considered those actions productive, I never thought of them as a worthy time investment. Sometimes however I acknowledged their importance and wrote them down. I believe, that having such things documented for yourself, is and efficient way of bringing some enjoyable time in your life. And if you really want to step it up, why not make those things a habit!

I call this What brings me happiness project.

I go thorugh this list at least once a week by keeping it close by (on the phone in Google Keep or similar note app).

Note: don’t put things on the list which are common sense and apply to everyone like “finishing a project” or “watching a movie with partner”. Ok I admit, some of my last few points are probably applicable to almost anyone.