COVID-19, History's Greatest Indicator of Human Stupidity

March 19, 2020

The news is in: Forbes, CNN, New York Post. A significant reduction in pollution has been measured in places most impacted by COVID-19. This pollution reduction, which is a consequence of reduced economic activity amid the COVID-19 preventive measures, might significantly reduce the pollution-caused mortality rate. Not to mention the improved health, life quality and comfort of individuals living in those areas.

China: a significant pollution reduction happened in only one month

I consider this the greatest historical indicator of human stupidity. How could a devastating virus save more lives than it takes? Despite the fact that we are so unprepared? The answer is simple: greed, stupidity, and short-sightedness. The economy is lead by such an extremely short-sighted perspective that we are obviously doing more harm than good to the economy itself in the long-run. And the argument that we are living in the most prosperous times ever does not apply here. It is just distracting from the issue and is simply dodging responsibility. How could you argue that the economy is driven by “rational” agents when we are failing to use the most basic logic and common sense to drive our global economic decisions.

How could a devastating virus save more lives than it takes?

Governments, politicians, large corporations, and dictators are never at fault. We made them, we choose them, we enabled them and we buy their products. We are responsible. And frankly, we don’t deserve the lessons COVID-19 is giving us.

E.g., only now, when the companies are forced to switch to the home office and remote work mode, will the conservative managers and directors learn the benefits and potential gains. But the sad part is that stupidity gets in the way again! I predict that only a few will adapt and truly see the benefits of remote work. The rest will go into panic mode and work against the best practices of remote work and will force synchronous communication on their poor employees. As a result, they will experience a reduction in productivity which will enforce their stupidity and make them even more conservative.

Progress is truly made one grave at a time.